Last month, Computational Geology ("CG") began its
18th year of service to the E&P industry. For a few years prior to that, Deformation, Inc., the predecessor to CG, provided SCAT analysis services to the industry. In short, at CG we've been doing SCAT analysis for well over 20 years.
When CG introduced the first version of Geodes in 1990, it was one of the very first commercial software packages to incorporate SCAT (if not
the first). From Day #1 it has been our philosophy that SCAT is essential for complete, accurate analysis of dip data--from borehole images as well as conventional dipmeter curves, from hand-picked data as well as machine-picked data.
With Andy Bengtson, the inventor of SCAT, we've given oral and poster presentations at AAPG meetings on "What is wrong with tadpole plots?" (Morse and Bengtson, 1988), "No dip or low dip?" (Morse and Bengtson, 1989), and "SCAT dipmeter rules for interpretation of thrust belt kink-fold and detachment structures" (Bengtson and Morse, 1990). (Full citations for these references can be found
As we implemented SCAT in our Geodes program, we introduced novel extensions to SCAT, as described in
"Extending SCAT: additional techniques for identifying domain boundaries and determining how azimuth frequency distribution varies with depth" (Morse and Goldberg, 1990a). Within Geodes, we integrated SCAT with isogon-based cross sections to enable users and managers to see
What's Really Down There*. (See
"GEODES: An interactive, SCAT-based program for complete structural interpretation of dip data" [Morse and Goldberg, 1990b].) To further enable users and managers to see
What's Really Down There*, we added to Geodes the ability to convert isogon-based cross sections to local structure maps. Thus, Geodes goes far
Beyond SCAT*.
Most recently, we presented "Re-interpretation of the north flank of the Qarun Field (Western Desert, Egypt), based on SCAT analysis and reprocessing of the A-17 dipmeter data" at the November 2007 AAPG meeting in Athens (see
here and
here), a case history describing how we used SCAT and Geodes to identify and correct serious problems with a set of machine-picked dip data from a key well in the steep flank of Qarun Field.
Our licensees are using Geodes around the world, from the subsalt Gulf of Suez, Egypt (
Sercombe and others, 1997), to the subsalt / deepwater Gulf of Mexico, to the Canadian Foothills.
Through our Geodes-based
3D Dip* services, Computational Geology also provides Geodes analyses on a consulting basis. Over the years, we've provided Geodes analyses:
- To small, mid-sized, and large companies alike;
- In both extensional and compressional terranes; and
- In both simple and complex structural settings, especially where seismic is fair or poor (e.g., below salt and beneath major faults and unconformities) and where important structural elements (e.g., faults) fall below the limits of seismic resolution.
If you choose CG as your supplier of dip-analysis software and consulting services, you'll be partnering with a firm that has been working with SCAT for over 20 years, a firm that recognized from the get-go that SCAT is essential for accurate, complete analysis of geological dip data, a firm that has been active in extending SCAT and converting SCAT results to cross sections and structure maps, and a firm that has been applying all these techniques around the world to all kinds of structural problems in all kinds of geological settings.
We Really Know Our SCAT* and with that knowledge we'll help you to see
What's Really Down There*.
3D Dip,
Beyond SCAT,
We Really Know Our SCAT,
What's Really Down There, and
Geodes are Marks and Trademarks of Computational Geology, Inc.